Yellowtec Mic Arm
Easy to see indicator exactly where you need it, just above your microphone. The 360° signalling light is doubtlessly telling anybody around that you are On Air.
All m!ka On Air Arms use the same CleanVision® technology which made our litt signaling lights so desirable. The 360° indicator provides a much better recognition than experienced ever before. At the same time it will not glare at short distance.
Why indicate On Air only? In addition to the prominent red for On Air indication you get white, too. Use it, for instance, to indicate that your mic is ready. To do so, simply reverse the polarity of the drive voltage and toggle between red and white signaling.
A continuously growing number of radio stations invite their audience to have a glance behind the scenes. Visual Radio is the buzz word. In order to let your webcam catch an unobstructed view of the scenes we designed a low profile version of m!ka. That's why we call it: m!ka Mic Arm TV.
Wherever you need unobstructed sight m!ka Mic Arm TV solves your problem. Enjoy greater freedom when you position your webcam. The low profile arm hovers just above desktop level and still looks awesome. It mounts easily on a short m!ka pole. Or you simply add it to any near by m!ka pole. The arms are available in light and black.
- Customized design for TV broadcasts and video production
- Unlimited visibility of the speaker's face
- Available in one size and two colours (aluminum / black)
- Choose between the standard and On Air version with dual color indicator
- Sturdy aluminum tube construction
- Durable, silk-mat anodized finish
- Interior coil spring system
- Supports microphones weighing up to 2kg
- Adjustable friction joints
- Wiring concealed by tubes and joints
- Open-ended cable tails
- Various mounting possibilities
- Fully compatible with m!ka System
- Renowned German craftsmanship and superior quality